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Commissioned: 2257 |
Ship Statistics:
Shields |
3 |
Speed |
7 |
Weapons |
10 |
Systems / Components
- Krilgorian Harbinger laser clone
- Ajaxian Sariadna TR-200 powerplant clone
- Boraxian 'Wisp' cloaking device clone
- FREE!! 6 month supply of clean water
- Tibran standard equipment pack
The Mirage Mk III is a collection of salvaged alien technologies jury rigged together in a scaled up design of an ancient Tibran atmospheric fighter. In particular, the Tibs have very little idea how the cloaking system works, but as long as it continues to do so, they will continue not to care. Sadly, the systems don't integrate as well as they could, leading to energy wastage. It is also brought down by inferior Tibran shielding.