Vacation Mode allows you to suspend your account whilst you are unable to play the game; In betas its use is limited to once per week (56 ticks). You should activate vacation mode 8 turns before you want your vacation to start. After this time, your ship will not be in the game until the next time you login (Vacation Mode is automatically deactivated when you next login). You cannot be destroyed whilst in vacation mode, unless you are vacationing inside a carrier which is destroyed.

The edit account page will show what tick your vacation begins. Logging in during this tick will deactivate your vacation mode. Please note that your ship does not disappear during the tick your vacation starts but the subsequent tick. This means for one tick you are vulnerable to attack but cannot login without deactivating your vac mode. You should therefore aim to be in a safe sector immediately before your vacation mode starts.


slang/Vacationmode (last edited 2013-04-25 20:16:33 by ecvej)