
So what is TVS?!?!!? Just ask the players...

"Great game, the community is the best I have ever seen, and believe me I've been in at least a dozen gaming communities. The requirement for teamwork and actual gameplay is perfection, I can say no more." - God

"Genius game! I've been playing for 2 weeks, player community is fantastic. Very welcoming of new players and will answer questions (even the stupid ones) without belittling you for not knowing! The games amazing fun too, a real experience of how to work as a team!" - digadie

"I don't play games for 16 months unless I like them." - bac_naus_drive

The Violet Sector is a FREE multi-player turn based game. Join a legion and battle against other players all around the world for domination of the galaxy! Strategise and team up with friendly pilots to dominate sectors and hyper to new areas to beat the enemy.

It's simple to pick up and play at any time throughout the game time, and unlike many other similar games you're playing towards a goal - to destroy all enemies! We don't need to reset the game, just to allow new players to catch up, the game will only start again when one side dominates!

You can play the game from any computer with Internet access and your mobile phone using WAP

Login at https://www.violetsector.com

WhatIsTVS (last edited 2013-04-18 05:03:57 by ecvej)